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Women for the Amazon in Paris

On the 31st of May 2023, from 6pm to 8pm, an exceptional event, Women for the Amazon, will be held at Le Bambou, located on Rue des Jeuneurs in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris. This prestigious event is part of the international tour organised by the Rainforest Association to protect the Amazon, and has already met with great success at its previous stops in Lisbon, Berlin and Lyon. Women for the Amazon will bring together three renowned speakers: Emma Haziza, a renowned hydrologist and expert in territorial resilience in the face of climate risks; Audrey Dana, a famous French actress and director; and Watatakalu, our guest of honour.

Watatakalu is a leading figure from the Brazilian Amazon, belonging to the Yawalapiti people. As one of four female indigenous chiefs, she grew up in a politicised environment and began her activism at an early age, motivated by the struggles led by her father, uncle and grandfather to defend the rights of the indigenous peoples of the Amazon. Her landmark participation in the 1992 Climate Conference in Rio de Janeiro was a major turning point in her life and political commitment.

As an activist, Watatakalu works to promote the rights of indigenous women. She holds leadership positions in the National Indigenous Movement and the Indigenous Women's Movement in the Xingu Territory (MMTIX), located in the north-east of the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. She also played a founding role in the National Association of Indigenous Women Warriors of Ascendancy (Anmiga) and coordinates ATIX MULHER, an organisation dedicated to indigenous women.

Women for the Amazon aims to provide a platform for these exceptional speakers to share their experiences, ideas and calls to action. This event is an opportunity to raise awareness of the threats facing the Amazon rainforest, to give a voice to women and to mobilise individuals and communities in support of sustainable practices and policies to preserve the world's largest rainforest. Every ticket purchased for this event is considered a donation to support the work of the Rainforest Association.

For more information and to reserve your place, visit the HelloAsso platform:


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