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AFV assists anti-fire brigades in Xingu amid forest fires surge

Due to increased forest fires in the Amazon region in recent years, AFV is committed to strengthening the capacities of the anti-fire brigades of the Xingu Indigenous Territory (TIX) within the framework of the Prev-Fogo program supported by the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Natural Resources (IBAMA - Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis).

Alongside the Yawalapiti Awapa Association and Conservation International, AFV helped to acquire and transport a new boat and motor as well as personal protective equipment thanks to a grant from the French Development Agency. The funds were obtained during the last European tour of Cacique Raoni and Cacique Tapi organized by AFV.

Delivery of the boat to IBAMA

Delivery of the boat to IBAMA

Boat for the reinforcement of the Prev-Fogo program fire brigades

Boat for the reinforcement of the Prev-Fogo fire brigades program

Anti-fire brigades of the Yawalapiti ethnic group, Cacique Tapi Yawalapiti (with the cap), on his right the coordinator of the program Tupé

Anti-fire brigades of the Yawalapiti ethnic group, Cacique Tapi Yawalapiti (with the cap), on his right the coordinator of the program Tupé


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