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The final stage of the European tour of Xingu region autochthon leaders, organised by the Rainforest Organisation (AFV), came to a successful end in Paris. The aim of this international tour was to raise public awareness and promote the protection of the Amazon, by highlighting the environmental issues linked to deforestation and the rights of indigenous peoples. During their stay in the French capital, the delegation took part in a series of events and meetings, engaging the commitment and generosity of many supporters.

Monday: Media interviews and appearance at Change Now

The week began with a series of interviews with media representatives, during which indigenous leaders shared their experiences and their messages of preservation for the Amazon. They also spoke at the Change Now event, drawing the attention of an international audience to the environmental challenges facing the Amazon. Read the article here.

Tuesday: Fruitful meetings and promising prospects for cooperation

An initial meeting between the EGIS foundation, which supports solidarity projects to combat climate change, and Watatakalu enabled the latter to present an ecological project on behalf of its ATIX association, aimed at defending women in the fight for the rights of the Amazon and indigenous peoples. This specific project consists of developing the production of three local goods in six to seven villages in the Xingu region, contributing to the preservation of the region's environment and the promotion of sustainable practices.

The day also included a one-hour interview with Cyril Dion, a leading environmental activist and author and director of committed French documentaries. The issues involved in protecting the Amazon rainforest were discussed.

The indigenous leaders then took part in an event with the Accor group, one of the world's largest companies. Brune Poirson, former Secretary of State at the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and Solidarity, now Director of Sustainable Development for the Accor Group, was interviewed. Accor generously sponsored a large part of the tour, and is increasingly involved in corporate social responsibility (CSR). The meeting took place at the company's headquarters in Issy-les-Moulineaux, where the group's efforts to tackle deforestation were discussed, in line with new legal traceability obligations.

Wednesday: Raising awareness through the world of video games and Women for the Amazon event

The delegation met with the video game company Game in Society, whose aim is to create digital avatars of indigenous leaders, integrating them as influential personalities in games and virtual worlds. This ambitious project aims to raise awareness among younger generations while generating revenue to support the preservation of the Amazon rainforest.

In the evening, the Women for the Amazon event at Le Bambou highlighted the current emergency in Brazil. Indeed, this edition of the event was more politically focused than previous ones, with Watatakalu raising the alarm about the threats posed by Brazil's new bill limiting the demarcation of indigenous peoples and the Amazon. Emma Haziza, hydrologist and expert in the development of territorial resilience strategies in the face of the risks of global warming, and Audrey Dana, French actress and film director, also contributed to the debate. Women for the Amazon once again generated constructive exchanges with the many guests attending.

Credit: Mathieu Suprin

The day was concluded by a screening of Jean-Pierre Dutilleux's film at the Gaumont Champs-Elysées cinema, followed by a presentation and speech by the association's president. A cocktail party, made possible thanks to the kind support of the Caisse d'Épargne, was organized after the screening.

Credit: Matthieu Suprin



Thursday: Strengthening relationships with private and institutional partners

The indigenous leaders paid a visit to Interco, a company specializing in the environment. The meeting provided an opportunity to discuss Amazon preservation projects and consolidate existing partnerships.

An emotionally charged meeting took place with Valérie Pécresse, President of the Île-de-France Regional Council. The discussion focused on the so-called Marco Temporal bill, which calls into question the indigenous reserves approved in 1988, representing almost half of the region's indigenous territories. Île-de-France demonstrated its commitment to indigenous peoples by offering financial support.

Friday: Visit to Votalia and a memorable gala evening

On Friday, the indigenous leaders gave an interview to France Inter and visited Voltalia, a company specializing in renewable energies, which generously made a new donation to the association.

Credit: Matthieu Suprin

The delegation visited the Quai Branly Museum of Primitive Arts to admire the club Raoni presented to Jacques Chirac. The day ended with a gala dinner at Les Ombres restaurant, located south of the Quai Branly museum. Renowned chef Alain Ducasse warmly welcomed all guests and delivered a speech. The aim of the dinner was to raise funds to support the association's projects. The president of the association, Jean-Pierre Dutilleux, as well as the Xingu leaders, delivered speeches to underline the importance of their presence and the missions of the AFV. The evening culminated in an auction, raising over 20,000 euros from the sale of photos and handicrafts. Feedback was particularly positive about the warm and welcoming atmosphere of this exceptional evening.

Sunday: Meeting with Emmanuel Macron and closing of the 2023 tour

Before boarding their return flight, the delegation had the opportunity to meet the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron. During this meeting, the President reaffirmed his support for the preservation of the Amazon and promised financial aid.

The tour was made up of powerful, moving moments, testimonies of commitment and solidarity with the Amazon and its inhabitants.

The Rainforest Organisation is very grateful for the generosity shown by these supporters and sponsors during the events hosted. The tour was an opportunity to build strong links with individuals and organisations who wish to maintain a lasting relationship with the association and contribute to its future projects. It raised awareness among a wide audience and introduced the new generation of indigenous personalities after Raoni, including Tapi, Watatakalu, Bemoro and Yabuti. This tour represents a real platform for the AFV, enabling it to pursue its existing projects and explore new opportunities for action.

The fight to protect the Amazon is far from over, but thanks to the commitment of local leaders, the association and the many partners involved, hope persists for a better future in this vital region of our planet.


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